When someone falls behind on debt payments, a collection agency will likely contact them. Few people appreciate phone calls to their Illinois residence or place of work, so debt collectors might try other tactics. One method could involve contacting the debtor through their social media platforms. Some may wonder if this approach is legal under applicable laws.
Debt collections through social media
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was enacted before social media existed, much less became so common. Revisions to the act address newer forms of communications, including social media. So, while contacting someone through social media is legal, the collection agents must follow the law.
Debt collectors are not allowed to contact anyone with a public social media post. All communication must remain private, and the company must identify itself. Also, the debt collector shall provide the debtor with a way to demand the communication cease. Those who do not follow the law may find their company facing a formal complaint.
Problems with collection issues
Although the law regulates collection agencies, an agent could violate the law. Those dealing with collection and credit issues related to a rogue agency may seek representation to address the problem. An agency might find it challenging to harass a client when the agency must go through an attorney.
Sometimes, problems may arise when inaccurate information appears on a credit report. Ordering and reviewing the report could uncover the problems. Often, contacting the creditor or credit agency may resolve the problem. If not, then additional steps could become necessary. Those unfamiliar with credit and lending law might not know how to fix the problem.